Sunday, August 4, 2013

  The Story Behind the Name   


                        *Logo from Homemakers for America

Greetings to all my readers!  My name is Esther and I'm a homeschooling mama to four rewards from God! After attending a private Christian school for the past year, the Lord clearly led me to return my children to our previous educational path of homeschooling. We desired to name our home school, and it was my oldest daughter who suggested Twilight Academy.   The concept of twilight had actually been one floating around in my head days prior to her suggestion, and so I gave serious consideration and prayer to her idea. It was a dream which I had one night that confirmed and sealed my decision to adopt my daughter's suggestion.  I awoke to a brilliant image before me: that of a shining star.  Words alone would not do any justice to describe just how bright it was, and how powerful an impression it left upon me.  All I could recall from my dream was that star, and it was enough.  I just knew that it was from God, and I just knew the message He was putting on my heart:  the star was a symbol of America and the future of this exceptional country is not hopeless.   What my children learn in our little home school is vital to securing the future blessings upon America.   You see, twilight has several meanings.  When most people refer to twilight, they think of that time in the evening before it is fully dark. Many people, especially Christians, believe that the twilight of America has arrived.  That the darkness will just increase. Yet there remains another definition of twilight: that time of diffused light in the early morning right before sunrise.  Which twilight are we in?  Has the sun set?  Or is it about to rise?  I have not given up on the later being the case, and will be sharing more of my thoughts in my next post.  

Since my name is Esther, which by the way means star, I felt to add a little to my daughter's suggestion, thereby making the name Esther's Twilight Academy.  I also felt that a foundational scripture for our school's name should be Philippians 2:15 which speaks of how the children of God will shine like stars among a depraved generation.  Just a few minutes after this idea entered my mind, I picked up a book to read while cooking dinner (we don't want to waste those precious moments just standing there as we stir food, do we?).  As I read these words, I could not hold back the tears: "Our kids can and will play a major role in turning this country back to God...Our children have the opportunity to be salt and light, to shine as stars in the midst of our crooked and perverse generation, and effect permanent changes!  I have great hopes for America because of home schooled children.  We must teach our children that it is their duty to...pick up the torch our Founders left to us." (Marilyn Boyer in Parenting From the Heart)

Please watch:

Those words not only confirmed the scripture which the Lord had just given to me a few moments before, but also the message given to me that our home school is vital to securing America's exceptional future.  (I do want to make it clear that I am not claiming that only home schooled children are America's hope for the future. I do believe the atmosphere and freedom which homeschooling affords provides the ideal situation for sharpening our arrows (Psalm 127:4) and I unashamedly and enthusiastically recommend all Christian parents to consider the benefits, but ultimately we must seek the Lord's guidance and obey how He leads our own family.  He knows what He is doing! That said, if your child is in a traditional school setting -whether public or private - it is especially important to remember that you are still responsible for your child's education, including their training in the faith, their knowledge of America's Christian heritage, our constitution, government, etc.)

Another non coincidence happened that night.  As I was putting my twin daughters to bed, I told them that next year I would be their teacher at home. One of the twins asked me, "what's your name?"  Huh?  My name?  They know that I am "mama".  Yet, the response to me telling them that I would be their teacher was to ask me what my name was.  Another coincidence?  Nope, none of those were!  It was God confirming to me that my name was to play a part in naming our school.  God knows how much I appreciate confirmation of what He speaks!  The fine tuning of our home school's name came when my husband suggested that, instead of Esther's Twilight Academy, I use a little play on words and call it Estar's Twilight Academy (remember, my name means star).  Yup, that was the right name.   

So, there it is.  That is how God named our home school.  I also wanted to remember that, just as Esther in the Bible was made queen "for such as time as this", my children - and all children - were put on earth at this time, in America, "for such a time as this".  The country needs our children, and our children need us to teach and train them!  Are you ready?

This blog is for all of you who desire to prepare your children to make history. 


If you have felt discouraged about our country's future, please come back as I am confident such discouragement will be quenched!

If God has already placed seeds of hope in your heart, let's rejoice and ponder together how to turn this country around!  

Though this blog will hopefully prove inspiring and empowering to all who read, my heart is to reach all the moms out there more than anyone, as in a future post of mine you will come to the knowledge of just how powerfully the Bible speaks about your purpose on earth!